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KFSK Community Radio

About Us

KFSK-FM is a non-commercial community radio station in Petersburg, Alaska, a small, yet vibrant and busy fishing community with strong Norwegian roots.
KFSK provides the only daily, news service in the broadcast area. Local news is provided by a two-person news department. Regional, State, National and International news are provided throughout each broadcast day. Entertainment programming is provided by nearly 100 volunteers, representing the community from age 8 to 80.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Your donations will be used to build the KFSK Endowment Fund, established by the Board of Directors in 2009 to strengthen KFSKs financial future.
Once the principle is strong enough to earn sizable interest earnings, the interest will be invested into the annual operational budget for KFSK media services.
It is the long-term goal of the board of directors to ensure continued local news service, thereby creating a sustaining and secure funding source not susceptible to potential governmental grant reductions.
Certainly if a donor wishes for their donated funds to be designated otherwise, KFSK management will gladly abide. Information on the KFSK Endowment Fund available

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 149
Petersburg, AK 99833




Find us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter
(907) 772-3808

Past Contributions

2010: $425.00
2011: $950.00
2012: $950.00
2013: $700.00
2014: $1,500.00
2015: $2,975.00
2016: $3,575.00
2017: $3,150.00
2018: $2,875.00
2019: $3,550.00
2020: $3,750.00
2021: $3,500.00
2022: $3,800.00
2023: $3,525.00
2024: $3,350.00
Total: $38,575.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Youth Development
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
Public Broadcasting