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Southeast Alaska Independent Living SAIL

About Us

Southeast Alaska Independent Living is an Aging and Disability Resource Center and a Center for Independent Living. We serve people of all ages and disabilities including physical, cognitive, neurological, mental health, and others. Our mission is simple and summarizes our services: “Inspiring Personal Independence.” SAIL is a proud partner and collaborator with many existing agencies in order to remove barriers so that seniors and people experiencing disabilities can live independently and safely in their community of choice.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

The generosity of you, our donors, is one of SAIL’s greatest strengths. Your support gives us the resources we need to bring innovative solutions to inspire personal independence for community members who are elders or experience disabilities right here in Southeast Alaska. The real life impact of your donation can be seen and felt in the following quotes from seniors and people with disabilities who recently used SAIL’s services to fulfill personal independence goals:

"Gifts that make life easier are the best ones and life sustaining! I do not have the right words to express the gratitude I feel. Thank you so much for helping me find a place." Marci, whom SAIL helped find safe, accessible and affordable housing.

“You are extremely dedicated and make [us] feel like real people...and that is wonderful." Sharon, Juneau, whom staff have been assisting in transitioning out of a nursing home.

"SAIL has a supportive environment that is rarely found in the medical world. The biggest challenge of living with a disability is gaining the confidence that you are capable of accomplishing your dreams. SAIL has helped me to feel that confidence and take the steps necessary to make my dream a reality." Luke, in Haines, after SAIL assisted him in starting his own business.

“Thank you SAIL for getting me the power chair! It has widened my horizons in being able to now access many more places. The powerchair has empowered me!” Thomas, Wrangell, upon receiving a a new powerchair.

SAIL maintains offices in Juneau, Ketchikan, Sitka, Haines, Klawock, and Angoon. If you live in one of the communities where we have an office, your donation will be used in that community to help Inspire Personal Independence. If you live in one of the other outlying Southeast Alaska communities, or elsewhere in Alaska, your donation will help provide funding for front line staff to work with elders and people with disabilities in rural SE communities to provide information and resources to assist individuals to live as independently as possible in their community of choice.

The benefits of your donations are widely felt throughout Southeast Alaska from making sure seniors and elders are able to stay in their home as they age, to school-age youth building skills and developing confidence through accessible recreation opportunities. Southeast Alaska will be a more vibrant, supportive and inclusive region as a result of your generosity. Thank you!

Mailing Address

8711 Teal Street, Suite 300
Juneau, AK 99801




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(888) 471-1332

Past Contributions

2009: $1,400.00
2010: $2,350.00
2011: $4,625.00
2012: $6,153.00
2013: $7,675.00
2014: $10,375.00
2015: $11,925.00
2016: $10,800.00
2017: $9,450.00
2018: $12,750.00
2019: $12,775.00
2020: $14,159.00
2021: $12,825.00
2022: $13,600.00
2023: $13,737.00
2024: $13,675.00
Total: $158,274.00

Cause Types

Aid and Services to the Elderly
Aid and Services to Individuals with Mental Illness
Aid and Services to the Disabled

Additional Locations in other Cities, Towns or Villages

Angoon, AK 99820
Haines, AK 99827
Juneau, AK 99801
Kake, AK 99830
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Klawock, AK 99925