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Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition

About Us

The AYCC purpose is to create friendships and community for cancer survivors that are at a very unique stage of life. Our mission is to provide emotional support and empowerment through building community, improving quality of life and providing meaningful survivorship to those affected by young adult cancer. Our vision is no survivor alone. Membership is open to anyone with any type of cancer diagnosed as a young adult.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Donations collected from Pick Click Give will support and help change the lives of local young adults dealing with cancer. Studies have shown that social support improves overall quality of life of cancer patients and improves survival. Young adult survivors ranked “opportunities to meet other young adult cancer patients and/or survivors” as the greatest supportive care need. Young adults have unique needs that other age groups do not such as fertility, relationships, dating, intimacy, sexuality, singlehood, parenting, insurance, financial assistance, career planning, education and age-appropriate peer support. Social isolation is the number one issue faced by young adults with cancer and the Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition addresses this issue with social support.

Cancer treatment is expensive. The financial burden that cancer brings to a young adult can be devastating. Increased financial burden because of cancer care is the strongest predictor of poor quality of life among cancer survivors. Being sensitive to this information, the AYCC has a primary goal to keep the costs related to the support group activities as low as possible for the members so that it is available to all young adult cancer patients and survivors, regardless of their financial situation. AYCC is improving the quality of life in our cancer community, not just for those that have been diagnosed with cancer but for everyone that cares about them and that wants to see them succeed after diagnosis – family, friends, children, co-workers, and neighbors are all positively impacted by the work that AYCC does. After struggling with life-and-death questions, many cancer survivors feel apart from peers who haven't had the same experience, and may turn to other survivors for support and friendship. Your donation through Click Pick Give can make this happen. Please help support a young adult that is dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

Mailing Address

3148 Discovery Bay Drive
Anchorage, AK 99515



(907) 764-8117

Past Contributions

2017: $1,125.00
2018: $1,375.00
2019: $1,525.00
2020: $1,075.00
2021: $750.00
2022: $1,800.00
2023: $2,637.00
2024: $1,975.00
Total: $12,262.00

Cause Types

Health and Dental Care